Stiggins, Rick2012-08-062012-08-062005-12Phi Delta Kappan Vol. 87, no 4, 2005 pág.: 324-32819406487 has supplemented the mission of its schools. Now schools are to both sort students and bring all students to specified levels of competence. This has given rise to intense interest in formative assessment and the efficient data management for instructional decision making. In this article, the author stretches the conventional definition of formative to weave students into the classroom assessment, record keeping, and communication process, citing worldwide evidence of the remarkable achievement gains that result. Article copyright Rick Stiggins. Distributed by Phi Delta Kappa International with permission.(5pp.) As the mission of schools changes from ranking students to ensuring that all learn to specified standards, Mr. Stiggins argues that the purpose and form of assessments must change as well.enFrom formative assessment to assessment for learning: a path to seccess in standards-based schoolsArticle